Hi Friend!ย โบ
It has been quite a while since my last post! Many big things have happened since then! This post marks about one year since I quit my job to start on this amazing adventure. Every moment is still scary and exciting. There is so much more to learn about staring a business than I ever imagined!
In February, I finally found the right retail space. The space ended up being bigger than what I first anticipated, but we have been able to fill every corner of it. The months following that was dedicated to transforming this vanilla shell into my vision. I want the store to be a warm and welcoming place where friends (and bridesย โบ) can come hang out. Every little detailed was scrutinized and underwent many edits. The space is still an ongoing process, I am constantly changing and rearranging the sales floor.
We officially opened our doors on April 29th and on the following week, we had a small grand opening party on May 9th. Delicious cookies and cupcakes were provided by our friends at local bakery, Sugar Fix (www.sugarfixdesserts.com). The outpouring of love and support from family and friends was wonderful! I feel very lucky to have this incredible opportunity and plan to make every moment count. I will keep you all updated on my progress. In the meantime, stop by, have a coffee and hang out with usย โบ.